

Links marked with * are new in last update


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Here are my vocoder programs, which match more my preferences for vocoder sounds

Please note: To open single patches you have to load a library file (.r3l or .rdl) in your Sound Editor, right click on an empty (init) patch and then select "Load" which opens the file dialog. Locate de file you downloaded and once loaded send it to the synthesizer.

R3 (.r3p)

RADIAS (.rdp)

VocodR-1 Vocoder1 Warm and intelligible vocoder
VocodR-2 Vocoder2 Similar to the above but a little crispier
RobotR I Robot Use this to crate monotone robot voices playing the lower keys
VocodR-3   A little harder as the others
VocodR-4   Another vocoder patch with slight variations
VocodR-5   Vocoder with more harmonics
Saga Vocoder SagaVocoder Deep pitched vocoder like in "Carefull where you step"
Monk Vocoder MonkVocoder   Monophonic vocoder with gregorian touch 
  VP330Vocoder * Emulation of the VP-330 Vocoder 
  PianoCoder * Vocoder and Piano 
  StringCoder * Vocoder and Strings